Portfolio > Kitchen Window Drama Theater

Kitchen Window Drama Theater
Kitchen Window Drama Theater
Oil on Wood
24" X 24"

“Kitchen Window Drama Theater” is the result of watching the daily activity at the birdfeeders in my front patio. I never expected after hanging up these feeders that I would be so attached to them. The ritual of cleaning and refilling the seed. Changing combinations of seed to attract different varieties of birds and feeling like I have won some sort of prize when a new species shows up. And they do show up, and I watch.
The activity at the feeders perfectly relates to the paintings I have been working on over the past several years. Instead of capturing a single moment, I use the layering of drawing and painting to record a quick passage of time. I am amazed by the bird’s ability to quickly move in and out of small spaces. I want to track the paths they take to maneuver around the feeders. Even more intriguing to me is the literal pecking order in which they establish who has access, in what order and for how long. The theater created every day can be quite dramatic.